All Classes and Interfaces

AddNewUserDialog This class handles the dialog box popup for adding a new user
Database This class handles sending and fetching data from the Firebase
Called when data is successfully received.
Custom ArrayAdapter for displaying a list of events in the "All Events" section of the entrant's interface.
The main activity for the entrant's section of the app.
This activity represents the screen where an entrant can view the event details and choose to accept the invitation to participate in the event.
Activity for displaying detailed information about an event.
Activity class for managing the event description page when an entrant is on the waitlist.
Activity class for displaying a list of events.
Activity class for joining an event as an entrant.
Custom ArrayAdapter for displaying a list of events in the entrant's "My Events" section.
Fragment class for displaying the events that the user is participating in.
Activity class for editing a user profile.
EntrantUpcomingEventActivity This class handles the upcoming event activity screen for entrants
EntrantUpcomingEventsFragment This class handles the upcoming events screen for the entrant which displays all the upcoming events for the current user.
Instrumented test, which will execute on an Android device.
Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host).
Utility class for encoding Bitmaps to Base64 strings and decoding Base64 strings back to Bitmaps.
The inputValidator class ensures that information entered by users is formatted correctly.
The Notification class handles the notifications that the organizer sends to users Also retreives and stores the notification data within the Firebase using the evntID
Activity class for editing a user profile.
This class generates the QR code to be scanned by Entrants to join and view events
The qr_scanner class handles QR code scanning functionality, retrieves event details from Firebase Firestore, and navigates the user to the appropriate activity based on the association of the scanned event.
RoleSelector This class handles the role selection screen which is the first screen a user will see upon opening the app