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- editEntrantInfo() - Method in class com.example.oblong.EntrantIntentTests
- EntrantAllEventsArrayAdapter - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Custom ArrayAdapter for displaying a list of events in the "All Events" section of the entrant's interface.
- EntrantAllEventsArrayAdapter(Context, ArrayList<Event>) - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantAllEventsArrayAdapter
Constructs a new EntrantAllEventsArrayAdapter.
- EntrantBaseActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
The main activity for the entrant's section of the app.
- EntrantBaseActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantBaseActivity
- EntrantEventAcceptDescriptionActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
This activity represents the screen where an entrant can view the event details and choose to accept the invitation to participate in the event.
- EntrantEventAcceptDescriptionActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantEventAcceptDescriptionActivity
- EntrantEventDescriptionActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Activity for displaying detailed information about an event.
- EntrantEventDescriptionActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantEventDescriptionActivity
- EntrantEventDescriptionWaitlistActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Activity class for managing the event description page when an entrant is on the waitlist.
- EntrantEventDescriptionWaitlistActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantEventDescriptionWaitlistActivity
- EntrantEventListActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Activity class for displaying a list of events.
- EntrantEventListActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantEventListActivity
- EntrantIntentTests - Class in com.example.oblong
- EntrantIntentTests() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.EntrantIntentTests
- EntrantJoinEventActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Activity class for joining an event as an entrant.
- EntrantJoinEventActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantJoinEventActivity
- EntrantMyEventsArrayAdapter - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Custom ArrayAdapter for displaying a list of events in the entrant's "My Events" section.
- EntrantMyEventsArrayAdapter(Context, ArrayList<Event>) - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantMyEventsArrayAdapter
Constructor for the EntrantMyEventsArrayAdapter.
- EntrantMyEventsFragment - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Fragment class for displaying the events that the user is participating in.
- EntrantMyEventsFragment() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantMyEventsFragment
- EntrantProfileEditActivity - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
Activity class for editing a user profile.
- EntrantProfileEditActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantProfileEditActivity
- EntrantProfileScreenFragment - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
- EntrantProfileScreenFragment() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantProfileScreenFragment
- EntrantUpcomingEventActivity - Class in com.example.oblong
This class handles the upcoming event activity screen for entrants - EntrantUpcomingEventActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.EntrantUpcomingEventActivity
- EntrantUpcomingEventsFragment - Class in com.example.oblong.entrant
This class handles the upcoming events screen for the entrant which displays all the upcoming events for the current user. - EntrantUpcomingEventsFragment() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.entrant.EntrantUpcomingEventsFragment
- Event - Class in com.example.oblong
- Event(String) - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.Event
method retrieves an event data from Firebase - EventArrayAdapter - Class in com.example.oblong
- EventArrayAdapter(Context, ArrayList<Event>) - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.EventArrayAdapter
is a custom adapter for the event list view. - EventWaitingList - Class in com.example.oblong.organizer
- EventWaitingList() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.organizer.EventWaitingList
- ExampleInstrumentedTest - Class in com.example.oblong
Instrumented test, which will execute on an Android device.
- ExampleInstrumentedTest() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.ExampleInstrumentedTest
- ExampleUnitTest - Class in com.example.oblong
Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host).
- ExampleUnitTest() - Constructor for class com.example.oblong.ExampleUnitTest
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